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Company Information

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Business Name: Environmental Science International, Inc.

  • Contact Information:

    • Business Address: 354 Uluniu Street, Suite 304, Kailua, Hawaiʻi 96734

    • Business Phone Number: 808-261-0740

    • Business Fax Number: 808-261-0749

    • Business Email Address:

  • Business Start Date: October 1, 2001

  • Type of Business: S Corporation

  • State of Incorporation: Hawaiʻi

  • Business Status: Small Business

  • Hawaii Tax Identification Number: W20590334-01

  • Federal Employer Identification Number: 99-0357443

  • Department of Labor and Industrial Relations [DLIR] Log Number: 102978

  • Data Universal Numbering System [DUNS] Number: 10798-6650

  • NAICS Codes:

    • Primary Industrial Classification

      • 541620, Environmental Consulting

    • Secondary Industrial Classifications

      • 541690, Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services

      • 541330, Environmental Engineering Services

      • 562910, Environmental Remediation Services

      • 561330, Professional Employer Organizations

      • 541712, Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences

  • Insurance Coverage:

    • General Liability (commercial, professional, and contractors pollution): $2,000,000

    • Automobile Liability: $2,000,000

    • Workers Compensation: $1,000,000

    • Umbrella Liability: $4,000,000

    • Employment Practices Liability: $1,000,000

Phone: 808-261-0740 | 354 Uluniu Street, Suite 304 - Kailua, HI 96734 | email:

© 2023 Environmental Science International

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